Why did you want to do a placement?
Back in High School when I was selecting my University degree, I had never been entirely sure on what I wanted to do. Even upon starting my university course, it heavily relies on theory, practical and written tests and I didn’t feel as though it gave me a good indicator of what the industry was like in the ‘real world’. Therefore, I was extremely excited when I found out that a Sandwich year for my university course would be mandatory. Going into the “real world” in search for, many students', first ever full-time job is extremely nerve wracking and can be very challenging. Writing CVs, cover letters, and interview processes are all things many students have never had to do before. Therefore, it was nice there was an enormous amount of support and guidance from the university. A placement is a great opportunity for students to get their foot in the door, learn more about their industry and understand what they like and don’t like, and develop skills.
What was your most memorable moment during your placement?
I am so passionate about my industry and the opportunity to stick my toes into the water first to understand what I enjoyed most and least was an unforgettable experience. On placement I was extremely eager to learn and get involved in all aspects of the business from sales, operations, theming, venue-side. Because my passion, commitment and drive were recognised by all in the team; I was constantly given more opportunities and responsibilities and all these amazing opportunities helped me to decide how I wanted to pursue my career. I made lifelong friends in my placement year, in fact my placement helped me get the job I am doing today, 7 years later.
How do you feel a placement has helped you with your development?
A placement is a great chance for students to get their foot in the door and make industry connections. In recent years it is becoming the norm for students to go to University and therefore doesn’t help them stand out from their peers and/or competitors, therefore, doing a placement is another way to help them be more unique and appealing to employers since they have real industry experience.
Why would you recommend a placement to another student studying in the events field?
I highly recommend a placement year to students, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity which everyone should take advantage of. The beauty as well is that everyone knows you are still studying and therefore, a lot more lenient when you make mistakes or need things explained multiple times. When I worked in my first full job out of university, my employer and colleagues were so impressed with how developed and mature I was; I was able to work well under pressure, in a team, understand assignments and all with such a professional mannerism. The network in the events industry is very small, so for me it was great to get my foot in the door, make amazing connections and lifelong friendships. These have shaped and helped me progress into the career I have today.
Thank you Amber, for sharing your thoughts!